Recent Updates

Last updated: 8/31/2024


Changes to the Store, Social Media, etc.

We are looking to use this page to keep everyone up to date on our actions and let you know about new features as they become available! New products, restocks, and mundane bundle information will not be mentioned here.

8/31/2024: Removed an app that let us bundle items together. Almost no one used it and it was difficult to understand.

8/6/2024: Made many improvements to the aesthetics and functionality of our store when accessed from the Shop app. Added contacts and social media details to it too. Also added navigation options...still not ideal, but the way the Shop app uses navigational menus is a little different than most apps anyway.

8/5/2024: Made a YouTube channel. Added a YouTube link to our store page.

8/5/2024: Fixed Our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Shipping Policy, and other legal pages to their proper and representative sections in Shopify (backend stuff). In an attempt to make our Shop (the app) page better, we looked at our store and noticed that all the above mentioned pages (plus some) were all blank. After finding the appropriate policy sections in Shopify, the information was successfully transplanted and now our Shop store page is displaying everything correctly.

8/4/2024: Fixed some Teranis's Birthday Sale banner issues including size, wording location, and general color clashing.

 -Older updates too old for me to remember-